Show the andalusian language to the world with
Andalusian Linguistic Landscape
A crowdsourcing project to display evidences of the andalusian language found on the territory: commercial store names, restaurant menus, advertising signs, graffiti, etc.
(*) A project hosted in Ushahidi platform. We offer an app to ease with the interaction of our project in Ushahidi.
Why Andalusian Linguistic Landscape?
People in Andalusia knows the andalusian language is a reality evidenced in the urban space. With this initiative we want to offer the world a snapshot of the status of the andalusian language in the streets. Install the app and contribute by sharing any manifestation of the andalusian language you could find: vocabulary and phraseology, phonetics and spelling, etc.

Download for mobile devices

Or contribute via web
Some tips and indications
Please mind we manually review every submission before they get published. If you are willing to contribute, please have a look to the following advices first.
Share evidences of andalusian language Only
Regardless the spelling, any attempt to reflect andalusian phonetics, vocabulary or phraseology is valid.
original and legal material only
Take pictures with your own camera and ensure there’s no recognizable people to keep ther privacy. We manually review all submissions.
Share signs in the urban space only
As commercial store anmes, stickers, graffitis, restaurant menus, advertising signs … Signs on clothes like t-shirts or tattoos aren’t allowed.
Contribute with responsibility
This initiative aims to reflect reality of the street. In no way it is our intention to encourage the proliferation of graffiti. You may contribute with graffitis, but is not our favourite content.
Any issues with the app or the web?
Do not miss the chance of collaborating because of any issues with the app or the web. Join our channel in Telegram and share the picture with geolocation information and description and our team of volunteers will upload it for you.

T’animâ a êccribîh n’Andaluz?
Çi quierê êccribîh n’Andalûh EPA prueba er TRÂCCRîTTÔH câteyano-andalûh (web o móbî). Una bêh controlê lâ reglâ ortográficâ báçicâ, îttala en tu móbî er TECLAO ANDALÛH y dîffruta der placêh d’êccribîh l’Andalûh EPA como la hente pro: con autocorrêttôh y têtto predîttibo. Çi te mola er Minecraft, prueba a hugâh a Minecraft Andalûh! Êh un idioma ofiçiâh dîpponible en Minecraft.